Blessed is
the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of
sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of
the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree
planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose
leaf does not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper. Psalm 1: 1-3 NKJV
Dear local and global friends of Come Rest,
I memorized these verses this week.
As with all true scripture meditation, I’ve been keeping my heart open to the
Lord while repeating these verses aloud. This is one of the ways the Holy
Spirit ushers us into the secret place of His rest, face to face with Jesus. The
secret place, the “face-to-face” place, is where He touches us, teaches us,
transforms us. It is the place in our hearts from where He releases His rivers
of living waters, His supernatural power. The more you meet with Him and stay
with Him in the secret place, the more He will purify your heart, the more His
power will flow from you.
In my meditation upon Psalm 1, I see
a picture of signposts at a “T” intersection. One points down the road to “Scornful”,
the other points up the road toward “Fruitful”.
The road to “Scornful” begins with
walking in the counsel of the ungodly--daily
absorbing and adopting the thinking of people and media who twist, ignore, or
attack God’s word. The counsel of the ungodly can also be listening to our own
flesh, deceiving ourselves. The counsel of the ungodly leads us onto the path of sinners—we compromise on His
truth, stumbling in our own sin, and carelessly follow the crowd. We soon find
ourselves in the seat of the scornful—full
of anxiety and anger, pointing our finger in seething resentment and constant
criticism of others, ourselves, and God. It can happen to me, you, and anyone
around you. One’s life can shift quickly from a wellspring of His Spirit to a
cesspool of our sin. We who are created and saved by Jesus for fruitful
companionship instead settle for fruitless compromise which is unwitting cooperation
with Satan the accuser/deceiver. Ungodly thinking and ungodly company breed ungodly
living. Jesus is ready to lead you and me up to “Fruitful”!
Notice in verse 1 the first step
to “Fruitful” is to choose to “ walk not”
in ungodly counsel. You say “no” with your heart, your mouth, and your
feet. The first step in turning afresh toward the Lord and His way of life is
turning away from Satan and his way of life. Choosing to not walk by the flesh
means you are beginning to walk by His Spirit. Saying a big “NO” to any ungodly
input prepares you for enjoying God’s input.
Next you delight in the law of the Lord—you make a lifestyle choice to
rejoice! You thank Jesus daily for being the Way, the Truth, and the Life and for
saving you from hell!
You are then moved to meditate day and night in His law—to wholeheartedly
fill your life with His truth through daily scripture, prayer, praise, and keeping
primary company with the fruitful even as you witness to the scornful at work
or play. You seek only the good clean joy of Jesus’ presence, Jesus’ people, Jesus’
purpose. You seek Jesus’ permission for good, clean, fun in fruitful social and
recreational pursuits out amongst the scornful.
You then become like a tree planted by the rivers of water,
that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf does not wither—your roots
go down ever deeper into the limitless source of the Holy Spirit who
continually produces His powerful, loving fruit in all your days, your
relationships, your endeavors.
Whatever the Lord leads you to do shall prosper—this is the bountiful life
of real fruit He promises. I believe the Lord is alerting me to ways I am
distracted from Him by this ungodly world. Kim and I are taking a clear, fresh
look at saying “no” to any worldly influences or activities in our daily lives He
does not want for us. Join us. Many may choose the road that ends in the seat
of the scornful. He calls us to be in, but not of, the world. He leads His
witnesses in His counsel, His path, His fruit, His seat of mercy!
Signposts. One points down. The
other points up. Scorn the road to Scornful. Delight in the road up to
Love and blessings,
Richard Speight
1st LOCAL FRIENDS PLEASE NOTE: A winter storm is forecast Sunday.
We are watching this. Watch your email, texts, or call us as to possible
cancellations of our Sunday morning class and Sunday evening groups. We originally
planned the Sunday night groups to meet tomorrow at Duane Mclean’s home. 1668 13th St NW,
CR 319-899-0315
Feb. 6th 630pm Come Rest
Awakening of Love@ River of Life, CR
Feb. 18th
9am-4pm Come Rest Personal Retreat; apply at
Feb. 20th
630pm Come Rest Awakening of Love @
Calvin-Sinclair, CR
Mar. 6th
630pm Come Rest Awakening of
Love @River of Life, CR
Mar. 18th
9am-4pm Come Rest Personal Retreat; apply at
FeB. 6th
of Life, Cedar Rapids
teaching, testimonies, prayer.
a friend!
at the door; freewill offering; refreshments.
Come Rest Ministries
Personal Retreat
18th 9am-4pm
House 2125 Bever Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA
Pen, bible, notebook, your copy of our book
FRUIT, and your wholehearted desire to come rest in Jesus!
Freewill Offering plus $18 for book which
may be purchased at retreat
Limited-- Lunch provided
We thank each one of you for your
continued financial support! Please ask the Lord what He wants you to give to
His work through this ministry. What a year this will be!
Dick and Kim Speight
Come Rest February
2015 Response
___My prayer
request is__________________________________________________
___Yes, Lord!
I will make my life Your Resting Place in 2015!
___Yes, Lord!
I will pray for Come Rest Ministries.
___Yes, Lord!
I will financially support Come Rest Ministries.
Today’s gift $______________
___Yes, Lord!
I have enclosed $100 for the “COME REST” Reprint Fund.
send me ____copie(s) of the “REAL FRUIT”
1/$18; 2/30; 5/$60. $4 ship for 1 plus $1 per additional copy
___I will
cast seeds in my city by giving away REAL FRUIT as the Holy Spirit leads!
___Send me 10 copies for $100 plus $10 ship.
send me __copie(s) of Come Rest CD 1 “Meditations with Dick Speight”
send me __copie(s) of Come Rest CD 2”Reflections on His Real Love”
$8 each plus $2 ship; $12 for the set of 1&2 plus $3 ship.
Thank you for your continued financial and prayer support!
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