Thursday, January 8, 2015

2015: Rhetoric or Rest?

2015: Rhetoric or Rest?

Thus says the Lord:
“Heaven is My throne,
And earth is My footstool.
Where is the house that you will build Me?
And where is the place of My rest?
For all those things My hand has made,
And all those things exist,”
Says the Lord.
“But on this one will I look:
On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit,
And who trembles at My word.
Isaiah 66:1-2 NKJV

During Christmas, we saw that God gave chapter 9 to Isaiah to promise the future salvation of the world through a child who would be born as Emmanuel, God-with-us. God mercifully spoke this and Isaiah faithfully declared this even though restless, rebellious, idolatrous Israel was about to be carried off into ruinous exile. Then Lord gave the final chapter 66 to Isaiah with a pointed question and answer that forever has present application for each would-be believer in our restless, rebellious, idolatrous times. 
You notice I said “pointed question”, not “rhetorical” question. A rhetorical question is a literary device to make a point, but not expecting an answer. In Isaiah 66 the Lord is making a particular point because He wants us to make something particular of our lives.
Right now, January 2015, the Lord is asking, “Where is the house, the resting place you will build Me?”  He is expecting an answer—right now.
He wants you and I to build Him a house upon which His Holy Spirit Presence will rest. It will not be made of things—but of people. His house is the family of believers who have been truly saved by Jesus. His Resting Place is when His family truly  honors, loves, trusts, and obeys Jesus.
His resting place is wherever people are living with Jesus and each other in three inseparable ways. They humble themselves—truly  submitted before Him and each other; they are contrite—truly sorrowful and joyful in turning away from sin; they tremble at His Word--truly believing and behaving according to Scripture with the help of His powerful Holy Spirit as they witness to a lost world.
The Lord never wastes words. He is not asking these “where” questions for His health—but ours. He is not given us a bunch of rhetoric, He is offering bountiful rest. But He is looking for our answers, our action. He doesn’t want rhetoric from us any longer. I can’t do it for you. You can’t do it for me. He’s waiting to help us both. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of not fully resting in His love. I’m tired of the body of Christ not being His resting place. I yearn for it. I burn for it. If I desire all this, as deficient as I am--Can you imagine how much He yearns and burns for us to fully and finally sell out to Him? That’s not a rhetorical question either.

A Declaration In Jesus for His House, His Rest, His People, His Harvest
I now declare my deficiency and His sufficiency! Join me.
In the name of Jesus, with the power of His precious blood, I declare 2015 The Year of His Rest.
Many will leave self-defeating sluggishness & enter His self-sacrificial victorious rest!
Many will resist fruitless intimidation and rest in fruitful intimacy with Him!
Many will kneel down before Him, & remain down before each other, as His way to come up into the Secret Place of His Face.
He will help many to build their lives into HIS RESTING PLACE!
The Holy Spirit will come rest upon the household of Jesus and many of the lost will come rest in Jesus’ saving arms!
So be it! Amen!

Love and blessings,
Richard Speight

Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Come Rest Ministries
P.O. Box 11010
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52410

FRIDAY, Jan. 9th      630-930pm
River of Life, Cedar Rapids
Worship, teaching, testimonies, prayer.
                                                             Bring a friend!     
Register at the door; freewill offering; refreshments.
Come Rest Ministries
Personal Retreat
Wednesday Jan. 21st   9am-4pm
Rehoboth House 2125 Bever Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA
Requirements: Pen, bible, notebook, your copy of our book
REAL FRUIT, and your wholehearted desire to come rest in Jesus!
Cost: Freewill Offering plus $18 for book which may be purchased at retreat
Space Limited-- Lunch provided
Those interested must apply at  
FRIDAY, Jan. 16th      630-930PM
Calvin-Sinclair Presbyterian, Cedar Rapids
Worship, teaching, testimonies, prayer.
                                                             Bring a friend!     
Register at the door; freewill offering; refreshments.
Jan. 9    630pm    Come Rest Awakening of Love@ River of Life, CR               
Jan. 11  845am    Speights teaching Come Up/Secret Place Class at River of Life CR
6pm       Men’s & Women’s Wellsprings Covenant Groups at Rehoboth
            7pm       I58 Cross-denominational House Fellowship at Rehoboth
Jan.16th 630pm    Come Rest Awakening of Love @ Calvin-Sinclair, CR
Jan. 21  9am-4pm Come Rest Personal Retreat; apply at
Come Rest January 2015 Response
___My prayer request is__________________________________________________
___Yes, Lord! I will make my life Your Resting Place in 2015!
___Yes, Lord! I will pray for Come Rest Ministries.
___Yes, Lord! I will financially support Come Rest Ministries.
Today’s gift $______________
___Yes, Lord! I have enclosed $100 for the “COME REST” Reprint Fund.
___Please send me ____copie(s) of the “REAL FRUIT”
                        1/$18; 2/30; 5/$60. $4 ship for 1 plus $1 per additional copy
___I will cast seeds in my city by giving away REAL FRUIT as the Holy Spirit leads!
            ___Send me 10 copies for $100 plus $10 ship. 
___Please send me __copie(s) of Come Rest CD 1 “Meditations with Dick Speight”
___Please send me __copie(s) of  Come Rest CD 2”Reflections on His Real Love”
            $8 each plus $2 ship; $12 for the set of 1&2 plus $3 ship.


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