Friday, December 19, 2014

Thus Far

Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen, and called its name Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” 1 Samuel 7:12 NKJV

What anticipation. A December afternoon in 1965. When Dad came home from work as diesel railroad machinist, both parents would take my little brother and me Christmas shopping in bustling downtown Omaha. It was a big deal. We normally shopped in our much smaller hometown of Council Bluffs just across the Missouri River, the Mighty Mo’. Mom was seeking a particular gift for her sister only found at the massive downtown Brandeis store(to Omaha what Macy’s was to New York.). What’s more, after shopping we would return home to watch Mister Magoo’s Christmas Carol. It was a big deal and already a cherished tradition as the first Christmas television cartoon special in 1962 that paved the way for Charlie Brown and others in American pop culture. Watching Magoo play Dickens’ Scrooge was the first time I heard the name “Ebenezer.” 

When we arrived at the store Mom set off on her quest. Dad let us fully in as co-conspirators in his shopping plans for Mom. We were thrilled as we secretly patrolled on mission with him throughout various departments, while keeping a lookout for Mom. From then on, joining one parent in their search for just the right gift for the other parent became one of my most cherished Christmas traditions. As I reflect on it now, it wasn’t the shopping for the item that I enjoyed the most—it was the shopping for the person. As we traversed the aisles I listened to the way Dad delightfully described his bride as the most beautiful woman in the world. He always said she reminded him of the actress Ava Gardner. He gave examples why she was such a faithful wife, mother, and registered nurse. I watched the way Dad precisely pursued the right sizes, colors, textures, and functions of the gift—all for the purpose of showing her how much He loved her. Dad didn’t always get the right size or the right color, but we always saw the same look in Mom’s eyes on Christmas morning. She loved and delighted in Dad always, even if he never gave her another gift. Yet she also knew that every gift she did receive from her bridegroom was a sacrificial labor of passionate love for her.

I get teased sometimes by other men because I love to shop for Kim, love to shop for my loved ones—whether for gifts or for groceries—just like my Dad. But I notice that women do not tease me. Every woman, every person, whether they are aware or not, longs to be cherished sacrificially. It is the case for you and for me. Jesus is just the person for the job. Let Him do it. Let Him love you passionately and precisely at your deepest need this Christmas. Cry out to Him in your pain. Pour out your praise and thanksgiving to Him for dying on the cross for you to save you from hell. Read scripture and listen deeply to what He is saying to you. Ask Him to give you more of His heart of love to passionately and precisely cherish the people in your immediate sphere of influence. In all your relationships with family, friend, or foe--I beg you to come up into His supernatural flow of love in each present moment. He is always right there with us, Emmanuel. Let your Helper help you.
This brings me to the name “Ebenezer.” Ebenezer means “stone of help.” Samuel set up a stone between Mizpah and Shen as an act of praise, thanksgiving, and remembrance for God’s people at a particularly crucial time. Mizpah can be translated “watchtower” and Shen can be “change.” They had forgotten their God, their Helper, who had delivered them from Egypt and brought them to the promised land. Instead, they embraced the idolatry and sexual immorality of the cultures around them. They were weary and heavy laden from the consequences of their sin and oppressed and harassed by their enemies. They came to Samuel whom God had mercifully raised up to watch over them. They asked him to pray for them. He prophesied and called them to destroy their Baal statues and Ashteroth poles and come back to the Lord and find mercy and rest in obedience to the His commands. And they did! They could no longer stand defenselessly squeezed between their own sin against God and their enemies against them. Join me in praying for America and modern day Israel, that both nations will turn from all idolatrous immorality and come rest in Jesus’ truth and love. Let it begin with you and me. Let this moment, this Christmas 2014 season, be a true Ebenezer time between you and the Lord. Come up into His watchtower and change! Let Him help you stop sinning and start shining.

The first step is always turning your eyes upon Jesus. Meditate upon who He is and what He has done for you thus far.  It’s interesting to me that Charles Dickens named his character “Ebenezer Scrooge.” Scrooge comes from an old English word meaning “squeeze”—as in Scrooge miserly squeezing money out of every moment and person.  So, literally, “Ebenezer Scrooge” can mean “The Stone of Help Squeezed”. Guess who that is?

Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: “The stone that the builders rejected has become the conrnerstone; this was the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes?’ Matthew 21:42 ESV

The night before Jesus died on the cross for you and me, He prayed in agony in the garden of Gethsemane, which means “olive press”. Near that garden was a press which would extract the first cold virgin pressings of the olive fruit from the trees. He placed Himself into the press between the weight of the world’s sin and hellish destiny on one side; and the prospect of torturous death and  temptation to avoid it, on the other.

And being in agony, he was praying very fervently; and His sweat became like drops of blood falling down upon the ground. Matthew 26:44 ESV

The next day He took all the wrath for our sin upon Himself, all our iniquities, all our diseases. He paid the price in full. He was dead as a door nail, and on the third day was raised. Then He sent the Holy Spirit—the first pressing of oil from His pure sacrifice—the Helper. He knit you together in your mother’s womb,  helped someone pray for you, testify to you, invite you to receive Jesus, He actually helped you give your life to Christ, and He has preserved you through great trials and protected you from untold calamities up to this moment—thus far.  And no matter how you may feel “squeezed” by the pressures of living in this sinful, fearful world as you read this—the One who entered the “olive press” for you is passionately and precisely pursuing everything for your best right now. This Christmas, will He see the look of absolute love in your eye for Him-- like my Dad saw in my Mom’s eye—whether he got the size right or not? Pause for just a moment…think about it…if He never did one more thing for you…if nothing else ever went right for you in this life…wouldn’t it be enough that He saved you from hell? The Holy Spirit is your oil of gladness. Let Him burn bright through praise, scripture, prayer, and grateful sacrificial giving of yourself for others. You are part of Jesus’ Bride. You are absolutely beautiful to Him. It’s a mystery, but we are all foremost on His mind at the same time. He’s always working, watch, waiting to help you now. Let Him. Love Him. Love others from His heart within you. That’s all He wants for Christmas. Come up and know Him better. The Helper has a wonderful adventure planned for you. The Bridegroom returns. What anticipation!

Kim and I thank the Lord Jesus, and each of you, for helping us thus far!

Merry Christmas! 
Mighty Christ sends us forth in 2015 to invite the world to come rest in His love.
God bless us every one!
Dick and Kim Speight

Dec. 19             630-930pm   Come Rest Carols and Party @ CR Calvin-Sinclair Presbyterian
Dec. 21 & 28     845am          Come Up!/Secret Place Class at CR River of Life
                         6pm               Men’s & Women’s Wellsprings Covenant Groups at Rehoboth(2125 Bever Ave SE, CR)
                        7pm                 I58 Cross-denominational House Fellowship at Rehoboth             
Jan. 4                10am & 6pm     Speights teaching on prayer @ Open Bible in Jefferson, Iowa  AM & PM services
                        6pm                 Men’s & Women’s Wellsprings Covenant Groups at Duane Mclean’s home 1668 13th St NW, CR319-899-0315)
                        7pm                 I58 Cross-denominational House Fellowship at Mclean’s(Ellis to O; O to 13th; north on 13th to end of block)
Jan. 9               630-930            Come Rest Awakening of Love@ River of Life, CR
Jan. 21              9am-4pm          Come Rest Personal Retreat; apply at
Come Rest Christmas 2014 Response Form
___My prayer request is__________________________________________________
___Yes, Lord! I will pray for Come Rest Ministries.
___Yes, Lord! I will financially support Come Rest Ministries.
Today’s gift $______________
___Yes, Lord! I have enclosed $100 for the “COME REST” Reprint Fund.
___Please send me ____copie(s) of the “REAL FRUIT”
                        1/$18; 2/30; 5/$60. $4 ship for 1 plus $1 per additional copy
___I will cast seeds in my city by giving away REAL FRUIT as the Holy Spirit leads!
            ___Send me 10 copies for $100 plus $10 ship. 
___Please send me __copie(s) of Come Rest CD 1 “Meditations with Dick Speight”
___Please send me __copie(s) of  Come Rest CD 2”Reflections on His Real Love”
            $8 each plus $2 ship; $12 for the set of 1&2 plus $3 ship.


Friday, October 10, 2014


So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth. It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace. The mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing before you, and the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Isaiah 55:11-12

Dear local and global friends,
As I write this, word is coming of continued persecution of Christians in Iraq by Muslim ISIS terrorists. Children are being asked to renounce Jesus and are refusing to do so and they are being beheaded. They are now with Jesus. Are we? In Luke 21 the Lord said these days would come and told us to stand up straight and look up to Him. I ask the Arm of the Lord to awaken over Iraq to halt the evil one. I ask the Arm of the Lord to shake, awake, and protect Israel and  the United States. I ask the Arm of the Lord to help me and you draw closer to Him that we will live these days going out with His joy and led with His peace. People need to find His joy and peace in us no matter what. We must stand with Jesus, for others, under His arm. We must stand.
One day on our trip to the northwest, we sat before the Lord for a couple hours in a bright wild flower meadow at the base of towering Mt. Ranier surrounded by other craggy mountains. Sublime. Before we left on our trip, a dear friend told me that she felt the Lord was inviting me to let the mountains “speak” to me in His presence. So that afternoon, resting under the Lord’s arm, Kim and I meditated upon Isaiah 55:12. I said “mountains speak.” In my prayer journal, I wrote the following poem of what I heard in heart. In the midst of a broken, fallen world, there is something encouraging in beholding a mountain. Mt. Ranier has stood for a long time since being birthed as a volcano long ago. The mountain has witnessed many eras of humanity’s inhumanity. Yet the Lord continues to robe Ranier in wildflower majesty. There’s something about a mountain and the way it can “speak”. Do not despair. Stand. Listen. Witness.
Mountains Speak!

I ask you mountains what are you saying
In the presence of the Lord?
Mountains speak!
“We stand, you will stand.
Clouds come and go.
We stand, you will stand.
Storms gather, storms unleash
We stand, you will stand.
We receive a blanket in winter,
A jacket in spring,
A tank top in summer,
Fleece in autumn.
We stand, you will stand,
Under Covering.
Basking in the Sun
We provide shade for those below.
The more we stand, the more waters flow
To those below.
We stand, receive, reflect, shade, shelter, and bask.
We stand for a while
Until the Return of the One
For whom you stand.
They say we are majestic
But we know we only point
To His Majesty.
So Richard, we have waited to tell you.
Stand, receive, bask  reflect, shade, shelter, & sing!
For others to receive life giving water from us
We must hide, relent, retreat under cover.
And, oh, by the way,
We are birthed in fire
and our landscape is renewed by fire.
So stand, receive, relent, reflect, retreat, renew, release.
Because you stand small under Him,
You will stand tall to those who need
Given to Richard Speight, August 19, 2014

Thank you for all your prayers and financial support. Kim and I love you and bless you all in Jesus’ name. We hope to see you soon at one of the events below or hear from you and receive your prayer requests by email, text, or phone call.


Richard Speight
Come Rest Ministries
Personal Retreat
Wednesday Oct. 15th  9am-4pm
Rehoboth House 2125 Bever Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA
Requirements: Pen, bible, notebook, your copy of our book
REAL FRUIT, and your wholehearted desire to come rest in Jesus!
Cost: Freewill Offering plus $18 for book which may be purchased at retreat
Space Limited-- Lunch provided
Those interested must apply at
Come Rest Ministries’
21 Days of Remembrance, Rejoicing, & Repentance
at Rehoboth in Cedar Rapids
Celebrate the last day of Feast of Tabernacles!
Oct. 15! 7pm
FRIDAY, Oct. 17th      630-930PM
Calvin-Sinclair Presbyterian, Cedar Rapids
Worship, teaching, testimonies, prayer.
Bring a friend!
Register at the door; freewill offering; refreshments.
3 Day “Rehoboth Wellsprings” Gathering
At River of Life ,Cedar Rapids
Thursday & Friday 9am-9pm
Saturday 8am-8pm
  • Persons from all streams of Christianity are invited to come rest & rejoice in Jesus’ love.
  • 36 luxurious hours to savor the Savior together in His deep love! More details forthcoming!
  •  “Rehoboth” is the name of the well Isaac dug in Genesis 26 where there was neither argument nor opposition. Isaac named the well “Rehoboth” which means “room enough” for God’s people to thrive.
  • Rehoboth is the name for the Speights’ home where they offer retreats and gatherings in Jesus’ love. Rehoboth will be the name of a larger retreat and renewal center the Speights envision in Cedar Rapids.
  • At this 3 Day Gathering, Richard Speight will introduce “Rehoboth” as a shared daily lifestyle of rest, sacrificial love, and unity for Christians in cities around the world--as the Holy Spirt helps the Bride prepare for Jesus’ return.  Speight will issue an invitation to Christians around the world to repent from arguing with each other and opposing His Word. As we come rest from division and rebellion we make “room enough” for the Lord to grace us for loving unity and joyful obedience.
  • Learn from Jesus to make “room enough” for His wellsprings of love to flow more in your family, church, city, and nation!
  • You will have lots of options to draw closer to Jesus. Come for one, two, or all three days! Bring anyone who wants to draw closer to Jesus! 
  • Many friends of Come Rest Ministries from many streams will serve you in our worship, teaching, art, prayer, & fellowship rooms.
  • This is our inaugural 3 Day Gathering. We have no idea how many will come. We know the Lord’s loving presence will be deep, tender, healing, quiet, fiery, cooling, and refreshing as He sees the need in each person. 
  • We see this first gathering as a rehearsal for many more in the future. We already plan another in April of 2015.
  • Richard Speight keeps hearing the phrases “many streams, one river” and  “lovefest with Jesus”! Good things are coming.
  • Register at the door. We will receive daily freewill offerings at the registration desk and evening worship times; ask the Lord what He wants you to give. He is ready to give you new mercy, clarity, and power! We hope you can make “room enough” in your schedule to enjoy Jesus at Rehoboth Wellsprings!
Upcoming Events
Sun. Oct. 12th      845am        Speights teaching Come UP!/Secret Place Class at River of Life
                            6pm            Men’s & Women’s Wellsprings Groups at Rehoboth.
                            7pm            I58 House Meeting at Rehoboth
Wed. Oct. 15th    9am             Come Rest Personal Retreat at Rehoboth
    7pm            21 Days of RRR closing celebration of Feast of Tabernacles!
Fri     Oct. 17th   10am            Speight taping television program at KXKB in Dubuque
   630pm        Awakening of Love at Cedar Rapids Calvin Sinclair Presbyterian
Thurs Oct. 30th  8am            Come Rest Personal Retreat for St. Mark’s Lutheran Ministry Staff
Sun. Nov. 2nd      TBA           Serve the City Worship and Prayer at New Covenant Bible
Nov 6-8                                   Rehoboth Wellsprings Gathering!
Nov. 19               9am             Come Rest Personal Retreat
Nov. 21               630pm        Awakening of Love at Cedar Rapids Calvin Sinclair Presbyterian
Dec. 10               9am             Come Rest Personal Retreat

Come Rest Ministries October Response Form
___My prayer request is_______________________________________________________
___Yes, Lord! I will financially support CRM. Today’s gift $________   My monthly pledge for $_______

"Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Enjoy and Expect Him Today

Now concerning how and when all this will happen, dear brothers and sisters, we don’t really need to write you. For you know quite well that the day of the Lord’s return will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night. When people are saying, “Everything is peaceful and secure,” then disaster will fall on them as suddenly as a pregnant woman’s labor pains begin. And there will be no escape. But you aren’t in the dark about these things, dear brothers and sisters, and you won’t be surprised when the day of the Lord comes like a thief. For you are all children of the light and of the day; we don’t belong to darkness and night. So be on your guard, not asleep like the others. Stay alert and be clearheaded. Night is the time when people sleep and drinkers get drunk. But let us who live in the light be clearheaded, protected by the armor of faith and love, and wearing as our helmet the confidence of our salvation. For God chose to save us through our Lord Jesus Christ, not to pour out his anger on us. Christ died for us so that, whether we are dead or alive when he returns, we can live with him forever. So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. 1 Thess. 5:1-11 NLT
You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected. Matthew 24:44 NLT

Dear local and global friends of Come Rest,
·        First, consider forwarding our emails to your friends, a great way to help them and this ministry.
·        I am hearing the Spirit say “summer of wise counsel—intimate, intricate instructions.” I ask each of you to let the Lord come alongside you in scripture reading this summer. He wants to bring you His true practical counsel from His perspective. Expect to be lifted above your circumstances because His ways are higher than ours! I ask you, and would beg you if necessary, to draw close to him and read slowly the entire 5th chapter  of 1 Thessalonians. He has something very particular and special for you concerning your life and people in your sphere of influence this summer.
·        Last week in worship my grandson Micah slept peacefully in my arms during a worship service. What a great gift to savor. I then heard the Lord say in my heart, “It’s almost over son.” I was not alarmed, but alerted. I instantly knew the Lord was speaking of His return. He reminded me to enjoy and expect. Stop worrying, keep witnessing. Got it Lord. Message received. He’s been working with me on it this week. The learning continues. Now to share it with each of you. The Lord wants you to enjoy Him, enjoy your life with Him in the present circumstance of this tired old world, in this present day He has given you; and to expect Him to return before this particular day is over. As you do this, He will empower you to be more loving, more joyful, more peaceful, more patient, more kind, more faithful, more generous, more humble, more self-controlled in His Spirit. Do not let any lies of the enemy, your fears, or any end times doctrinal debates distract you. Jesus says He will return like a thief in the night, when He is least expected. He wants you to stay alert and adoring. He wants you to watch and pray each day. He wants to change your daily personal walk by changing your daily perspective. People around you need you to practice this. You need this. So do I.

Real New Testament Christianity is precisely this: believers living with Him one day at a time joyfully witnessing and resting in His finished work on the cross; AND earnestly expecting His return any moment. This is the way New Testament believers lived, this is the way historic Christianity has always been at its best. When Christians fail to live this way, the not-yet saved believers around us lose the benefit of our faith, hope, and love in their lives. When Christianity drifts from joy and expectancy, it is no longer compass and conscience for a sinful world. If we don’t live His “enjoy and expect” daily lifestyle, we get worried and distracted by the cares of this world, the lures of our flesh, or the lies of the enemy. I am to worry about nothing, give thanks in everything, and receive His powerful personal help with everything I’m facing today. I am not to stick my head in the ground, I am to put my head on His chest. I am not to worry about tomorrow. Yes, He permits me to wisely plan for tomorrow, but not fearfully obsess for tomorrow. Do you see the difference? To live in this wisdom today will help you plan wisely, not fearfully, for tomorrow. The world is aflame with the dark fire of fear. He wants to set you ablaze with His perfect love which casts out all fear. The Lord is aiming to reach fearful hearts around you. That’s why He’s aiming this email at your heart right now. Enjoy Him right now. Expect Him any moment. Experience the difference.
·        The Lord has called Kim and I to step out in faith for 3 week ministry adventure to the Seattle area August 7th through 28th. We now see how this trip will be pivotal for the next phase of Come Rest Ministries—a glimpse of things to come. Here is our update.
1.      We have the honor to officiate at the wedding of a wonderful young couple there and to minister to, and with, their family Aug.7-10.
2.     After the 10th we anticipate 18 days of divine appointments with individuals, groups, and churches.
3.     We will have divine appointments with relatives we have not seen for 50 years. We are still tracking down some of them.  My dad sent some of them my books in the past and they are now emailing us they are very excited to meet us!
4.     We will spend some retreat with the Lord in His beautiful creation. So far, we have reserved 3 nights Aug.18-20 at an old Inn @Mt. Rainier National Park. Another couple is giving us suggestions on some more retreat options near Cannon Beach. Another couple is talking to us about Victoria, BC.
5.     Praises! We so appreciate your prayers and financial support. The wedding couple is providing our air tickets, lodging for three nights. Another dear couple has generously committed to cover us for 3-4 nights with their Marriott hotel points. A pastor friend has recommended a possible publishing contact for us to interview. Another pastor friend is connecting us with his home church in Seattle and first reports are their pastors are very excited about having us come minister. Conversations continue. Another friend has told us of another possible church connection. Let us know if the Lord brings some ideas to your mind through your connections. Maybe there are people you know in Seattle who need to come rest in Jesus’ love! The Lord is going to move powerfully this trip.
·        I continue a labor of love in writing a new vision document for a coming initiative by Come Rest. Please pray for me. I’m getting closer to sharing it with you all.
·        Keep sending your prayer requests. We love praying big for each of you!
·        Our ministry finances continue to be a challenge. The window air conditioner and computer printer in our office now need to be replaced. Thank you for praying for us and for every financial gift! It is exciting to see more of you this week accepting our “seed casting” challenge for our book Real Fruit. $18 for one, but $100 for 10!! If you want to give our books away as seeds in others’ lives in your business, family, or prayer walking-- then we want you to have that price. You are supporting His ministry and spreading His message at the same time!

Love and blessings,
Dick Speight

FRIDAY, July 11th  630-930PM
River of Life, Cedar Rapids
Worship, teaching, testimonies, prayer.
Bring a friend!
Register at the door; freewill offering; refreshments.
Come Rest Ministries
Personal Retreat
Theme:“Enjoy and Expecting the Lord Daily”
Wednesday July 16th  9am-4pm
Rehoboth House 2125 Bever Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA
Requirements: Pen, bible, notebook, your copy of our book
REAL FRUIT, and your wholehearted desire to come rest in Jesus!
Cost: Freewill Offering plus $18 for book which may be purchased at retreat
Space Limited-- Lunch provided
Those interested must apply at
FRIDAY, JuLY 19th  630-930PM
Calvin-Sinclair Presbyterian, Cedar Rapids
Worship, teaching, testimonies, prayer.
Bring a friend!
Register at the door; freewill offering; refreshments.
Weekend Events
 Sunday June 29th      845-945am    Dick &Kim Speight teaching Come UP!/Secret Place Class at River of Life
                                     6-650pm        Men’s & Women’s Covenant Groups at Rehoboth.
                                      7-830 pm      I58 House Meeting at Rehoboth
Come Rest Ministries June 29th Response Form
___My prayer request is_______________________________________________________
___Yes, Lord! I will financially support CRM. Today’s gift $________   My monthly pledge for $_______
___Yes, I want to cast seeds of Real Fruit at new SEEDCASTING  pricing! 
Please ship!  ___I’m local and will call ahead for pick-up at Speights!
___1 for $18(plus $4 ship)
            ___2 for $30 (plus $5 ship)
            ___5 for $60 (plus $8 ship)
            ___10 for $100 (plus $13 ship)
Please have Richard Speight autograph a copy for the following person(s)
___Please ship ___ copie(s) “Come Rest”  ($16+$4 ship; each additional copy add $1 ship.)
Please have Richard Speight autograph a copy for the following person(s)

"Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28