It is not so with the ungodly. They are
like chaff which is driven away by the wind. Therefore, they will not stand in
the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. The Lord knows
the way of the righteous; but the way of the ungodly will perish.
Psalm 1:4-6 NKJV
while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the
ungodly. Romans 5:6 NASB
After these
things I looked, and behold, a door standing open
in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here,
and I will show you things which must take place after this.” Revelation
4:1 NKJV
Dear friends of
Come Rest,
have continued this week meditating upon Psalm 1 by memorizing it completely
and repeating it aloud several times a day. I stay more regularly before the
Lord face-to-face in the secret place as I do this. The Lord has been so good
to me. The less time I spend in media and the more time I spend in scripture
and prayer—the more He shows me about myself, my loved ones, this ministry, the
body of Christ, and the world. I have a lighter heart and brighter vision in
the midst of heavier snow and darker skies. Join me.
praying with some pastors this week, I saw we were like seven tall trees
growing up through low hanging cloud cover. The seven of us were lifted up
above the clouds into the glaring sunlight and given a joyfully clear view. The
sun was warm and bright, representing His smiling countenance of grace because
of the blood of Jesus covering our lives. I felt great peace as I looked to the
horizon even as I saw storms coming. I saw some of the storms were coming from
God for His purposes. Just as snow, ice, rain, thunder, lightning, and wind
nourish and renew the earth—the storms that God brings into our lives are for
our good to make us more like Jesus. Then I saw a few other storms were coming
from Satan, schemes to discourage and deceive us. God is high and watchful over
those attacks and only allows them for us in His purpose to train us “up”. Great
peace and discernment awaits us in the secret place of face to face intimacy
with the Lord. I felt the Lord was saying “As you come up in Me, I will help
you clearly see the difference between My storms and the storms of the enemy. I
will help you stand and delight in every good thing I bring. I will help you
stand and defeat every evil thing the enemy brings. When My people do not come
up in Me, all storms look the same to the flesh and you will respond as the
ungodly do—afraid, angry, confused, self-striving. This is not necessary. All
that I have is yours. Come up with Me in the secret place. I will show you what
I am doing, tell you what to do, and help you do it.”
week in Psalm 1:1-3 we saw staying up in the secret place with Him begins by emptying
your life of ungodly counsel, sin, and scorn. You then delight in the Lord and
His word filling your life with godly counsel, company, worship, and witness. We
then grow like deeply rooted trees planted by inexhaustible streams of water.
We then prosper in bearing His fruit no matter what comes.
4 says this is not so for the ungodly. They are like chaff, an empty hull,
easily blown away by wind and storms. There is no life-producing grain in them.
They are ungodly because God does not live in them. Yes, God made Adam and Eve
in His image. But ever since they rebelled, every human is born ungodly, full of
sin and death, empty of the One who can give us everlasting life. But Good
News! That sinless, deathless One came and died for the sin of everyone! He
took our sin nature, diseases, and death all upon Himself and was resurrected
Victor over all of it! Then He went back to heaven and sent the Holy Spirit to
spread that Good News, inviting repentance, and igniting eternal life in
everyone who receives Jesus as Lord! Only as we are born again by the Spirit
through faith in Christ, does Jesus come to dwell in our hearts. We are only
righteous because He becomes our righteousness. We become a new creation
because the Creator now lives in us. Because He lives in us, we will stand and
be accepted at the last judgment. The ungodly will not.
after He saves us are we gathered by Him into the congregation of the
righteous. That word “congregation” doesn’t mean a church membership roll. Many
people who are active in churches are not yet saved. This is not bad, it is
good! The fields are ripe for the harvest! It’s just that we who are saved must
humble ourselves to become more discerning so the Spirit can help us powerfully
speak the truth in love to ungodly churchgoers so they might be saved. The word
“congregation” means “ the assembly” or “the appointed”. It can even mean “swarm.”
I like that. Church is not about us attending service but Christ appointing us
to serve. When Jesus saves us, the Father declares us righteous and the Holy
Spirit assembles us to become adoring adopted children for the purpose of bearing
the fruit of His righteousness. The roots deepen and fruit grows--if we let the Holy Spirit help us trust
in Jesus, delight in Jesus, meditate in His word, and congregate in Spirit-led love, worship, and witness!
see great things ahead for the Body of Christ, and for each of you in this
coming year. The Holy Spirit is making a major move to help His people come up.
What an adventurous year this will be. I keep hearing the refrain of a powerful
praise song in my mind, “More love, more power, more of You in my life…”.
encouraged congregation of the righteous! Holy Spirit storms of truth, love,
and power are coming to strengthen and purify you. Do not be offended by the
Lord. Be defended. His ways are not our ways. Things are not always what they
appear. Therefore, come up and see His reality in the peaceful sunlight of His
face. He will show you how to grow deep and stand tall no matter what comes. Fear
not and buckle up! The ungodly will be blown away by the winds that are coming.
But He will lift us up to blow up the schemes of the enemy!
are just beginning to discover how powerful is the person of the Holy Spirit.
Gathering storms from Satan will not defeat the gathered swarm of the Lord. The
adventure is just beginning. In fact, the Holy Spirit is just swarming up.
Love and
Richard Speight
Feb. 6th
Come Rest Awakening of Love@ River of Life, CR
Feb. 8th 845pm Speights teaching Come Up! Class at River
of Life
Men’s and Women’s Wellsprings Covenant Groups at Rehoboth
7pm I58 Cross-denominational house ministry of
Come Rest at Rehoboth
Feb. 18th
9am-4pm Come Rest
Personal Retreat; apply at
Feb. 20th
Come Rest Awakening of Love @ Calvin-Sinclair, CR
Mar. 6th
630pm Come Rest Awakening of Love @River of Life, CR
Mar. 18th
9am-4pm Come Rest
Personal Retreat; apply at
FeB. 6th
of Life, Cedar Rapids
teaching, testimonies, prayer.
a friend!
at the door; freewill offering; refreshments.
Come Rest Ministries
Personal Retreat
18th 9am-4pm
House 2125 Bever Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA
Pen, bible, notebook, your copy of our book
FRUIT, and your wholehearted desire to come rest in Jesus!
Freewill Offering plus $18 for book which
may be purchased at retreat
Limited-- Lunch provided
We thank each one of you for your
continued financial support! Please ask the Lord what He wants you to give to
His work through this ministry. What a year this will be!
Dick and Kim Speight
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