charge you therefore
before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom:Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince,
rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure
sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for
themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to
fables. But you be watchful in all things, endure
afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.For I am already being poured out as a drink
offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished
the race, I have kept the faith.Finally,
there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the
righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to
all who have loved His appearing.
2 Timothy 4: 1-8 NKJV
Dear friends of Come Rest,
Some of you know I have rooted
for the Green Bay Packers football team since 1965. If you are not a football
fan, hang in there with me for a moment. This past Sunday afternoon the Packers
dominated the defending champs Seattle Seahawks for 56 minutes of the 60 minute
contest. Yet, the Packers collapsed the last four minutes and missed the
victory which would have propelled them to the Super Bowl. Their season is
over. It was heartbreaking for many Packer fans. The Packers did not finish strong.
As a younger fan, I may have been shocked and depressed. As an older fan, I’m was
simply shocked.
I felt the Lord immediately
remind me what’s most important. He wants us to finish, not be “fan-ish”! The
word “fan” is short for “fanatic.” The Lord isn’t looking for fickle fanatics,
but faithful followers. He isn’t about attracting fair weather fans, but
adopting fruitful children. He isn’t about drawing intense spectators, but
developing invested sons and daughters. He wants us to finish strong in His
Spirit’s power, not weak in our will power.
I believe with all my heart that 2 Timothy 4:1-8 is the Lord’s “now
word” for you and me this week…and the rest of our lives.
I have been reading this
week in 1 & 2 Kings and 1&2 Chronicles. Of course there were so many
kings who blew it from the start, and some who began well but fell away
quickly. But what is so heartbreaking is the kings of Israel and Judah who
began well, prospered in the Lord for many years, but did not finish faithful
to the Lord for different reasons:
- Practicing idolatry, inviting evil. (Solomon in 1 Kings 11)
- Relying upon man for national security & personal health (Asa in 2 Chronicles16)
- Partnering with the ungodly, tolerating immorality. (Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20)
- Fighting battles willfully ignoring the Lord.(Josiah in 2 Chronicles 35)
We need to seek His face in
the light of His flaming heart every present moment of each precious day He
gives us. We can’t do it on good intentions and will power. We can only do it
through resting in His Spirit’s power through His word, prayer, and each
other’s love and prayers.
Please join me in prayer
right now, and invite others to join you by forwarding this email on to others…
“Come Holy Spirit. Father, we
repent of worshipping anything but You, thereby inviting evil ; relying upon
man for our security and health instead of You; partnering with ungodly people and
tolerating any hint of immorality in our lives; and fighting battles willfully
ignoring Your voice. Help us make the necessary changes You want us to make in
our daily lives. Help us guard our lives completely from Satan and surrender
our lives completely to You. We will enter Your Rest and bear Your Real Fruit
in 2015 like never before. You will help us neither turn away or fade away. You
will help us burn bright and finish strong--awaiting the return of our Lord
Jesus according to 2 Timothy 4:1-8! In His name we pray, Amen!”
There are many hills,
valleys, and hairpin curves ahead. Avoid a heartbreaking crash through heart “braking”
surrender to Him. Stay on track. Let Him help you finish strong!
Love and blessings,
Richard Speight
Come Rest Ministries
Personal Retreat
Please note
(This retreat was postponed because of
illness and is now being offered this coming week)
28th 9am-4pm
House 2125 Bever Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA
Pen, bible, notebook, your copy of our book
FRUIT, and your wholehearted desire to come rest in Jesus!
Freewill Offering plus $18 for book which
may be purchased at retreat
Limited-- Lunch provided
FeB. 6th
of Life, Cedar Rapids
teaching, testimonies, prayer.
Bring a friend!
at the door; freewill offering; refreshments.
Jan. 25th 845am Speights
teaching Come Up/Secret Place Class at River of Life CR
6pm Men’s
& Women’s Wellsprings Covenant Groups at Rehoboth
7pm I58
Cross-denominational House Fellowship at Rehoboth
Jan. 28th
9am-4pm Come Rest Personal
Retreat; apply at jkadlec@imonmail.com
Feb/March TBD Speights
ministering in Aplington, West Union, & Fayette, Ia.
Feb. 6th
630pm Come Rest Awakening of Love@
River of Life, CR
Feb. 18th
9am-4pm Come Rest Personal Retreat; apply at jkadlec@imonmail.com
Feb. 20th
630pm Come Rest Awakening of Love @
Calvin-Sinclair, CR
Mar. 6th
630pm Come Rest
Awakening of Love @River of Life, CR
Mar. 18th
9am-4pm Come Rest Personal Retreat; apply at jkadlec@imonmail.com
Apr. 25th Speights
ministering at Laddusaws’ Gathering in Wittemore, Iowa
Apr. 26th Speights ministering at Presbyterian
Church, Burt, Iowa
Apr. 30-May 2 Come Rest Ministries’ 3 Day Rehoboth Wellsprings Gathering (Place
We thank each one of you for your
continued financial support! We ask each supporter and
participant to ask the Lord how much He
wants you to give regularly to Him for His work
through Come Rest. Ask your church to consider
Come Rest in their mission giving. We
are indeed a unique ministry to the Body
of Christ and beyond! We pray for more people
benefiting from this ministry giving
more money more regularly as He leads!
Dick and Kim Speight
Rest January 2015 Response
___My prayer request
___Yes, Lord! I will make my life Your
Resting Place in 2015!
___Yes, Lord! I will pray for Come Rest
___Yes, Lord! I will financially
support Come Rest Ministries.
gift $______________
___Yes, Lord! I have enclosed $100 for
the “COME REST” Reprint Fund.
___Please send me ____copie(s) of the
1/$18; 2/30; 5/$60. $4 ship for 1 plus $1 per additional copy
___I will cast seeds in my city by
giving away REAL FRUIT as the Holy Spirit leads!
___Send me 10 copies for $100 plus $10 ship.
___Please send me __copie(s) of Come
Rest CD 1 “Meditations with Dick Speight”
___Please send me __copie(s) of
Come Rest CD 2”Reflections on His Real Love”
$8 each plus $2 ship; $12 for the set of 1&2 plus $3 ship.
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