Wednesday, September 4, 2013

And Suddenly...

“In the day of my trouble I will call upon You. For You will answer me.” Psalm 86:7 NKJV

Dear Friends of Come Rest,

One night earlier this summer I had a dream. In the dream I was one of five people asked to oversee a massive prayer rally in our city. Things had fallen apart calamitously in our society and world-- much worse than now. Finally, large numbers of believers were desperate enough to truly commit themselves to earnest, fervent, regular, Spirit-led prayer for our nation and the world. Thousands of folding chairs were set up in an open deserted parking lot. People were arriving in carloads and taking their seats, not to be spectators, but true prayer warriors for Christ. We five leaders were gathered at the end of the parking lot under the cover of a parking garage.
 The seats were filling when a horrible storm arrived. Torrential rains pelted the crowd out in the open, yet they held their positions. However, just before we began, the torrents were too much and people gave up and headed away in their cars. As the seats began to empty a woman on our team said to me, “Do you see, He is making you a man of prayer?” My flesh winced at the statement because I knew in my flesh my ambition was to be a man of preaching. But I knew deep down she was right and I nodded assent to her. Then I looked up to the sky and lifted my right hand and began to pray, “Father, lift up Your hand and take this away!” I kept repeating those words to Him. The sky was filled with tornadoes, thunder, and lightning. As I kept declaring “Father, lift up Your hand and take this away!” I saw no change in the violent sky. But then it was as if I was taken up over the city and interstate highway and able to look inside each of the cars of the people fleeing the rally.
And suddenly it happened. Individual believers in each car felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit and all began turning their cars around and coming back to the rally. At the same time I could see all this, I was still standing under the cover of the garage with my right hand lifted to the sky praying earnestly, fervently for Father to lift His hand and take the storm away. Nothing about the dark stormy sky had changed and the torrential rain was still pelting the people, but it did not matter. They streamed back into their seats and began to pray themselves.
And suddenly it happened. As I continued praying I saw the sky way up beyond my right hand begin to be torn apart as if like paper being torn into pieces by Invisible Hands. Bright, radiant, almost blinding light exploded through the clouds. It was not like the typical passing of a storm with clouds slowly giving way to the sun—it was violent.
And suddenly it happened. The sound of deep brass music seemed to rise from the ground and envelope us, shaking the earth, with simple strains of piano interlaced with the brass. Then I saw everyone standing in authoritative prayer, bathed in light, enveloped in music as the dream ended.

I awoke from the dream in awe, fear, and love of the Lord. I opened my devotional bible and the Psalm of the day was Psalm 86. Read it. You will see why I thank the Lord now even as I recall such a summoning, encouraging moment. The Lord may already be speaking many important things uniquely to you as you read this. But over the course of this summer here is what I have come to draw from this dream for myself and the Lord’s people.

This world is passing away, but His Kingdom is ever increasing(Isaiah 9:6-7). In this world(including America) trouble is coming, but we can be of good cheer because Jesus has overcome the world(John 16:33). All true Christianity begins, proceeds from, and ends under the covering of the secret place of intimacy with Christ (Psalm 91). We must become people of earnest, fervent, prayer with childlike faith who deeply love one another(1Peter 4:7-8). We must not give up, but look up(Luke 21:28) and lift up our right hand(symbol of biblical authority)(Psalm 16:8) in the authority of Jesus(Matthew10:1) and know that earnest, fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much(James5:16).

Real love, real fruit, real preaching, real mission, real ministry, real defeat of real evil—comes only from Jesus as we rest under His arm—His protective covering in the secret place. We must come to the secret place of His heart face to face, through prayer and praise, and let Him keep us face to face through our meditation upon His Word. Then suddenly He is our First Love who can help us deeply love one another. Then suddenly people around us will see Jesus in us and want Jesus in them--before Jesus suddenly returns and it is too late.

I see Come Rest Ministries helping people learn to stand watch in prayer with faith, hope, and love in these end times. The Lord is calling us to join the early ranks of thousands around the world in a variety of churches and ministries to make a true priority of earnest fervent prayer in His secret place according to His Word. When things get much worse, the Lord will help millions of others come join us in earnest, fervent prayer. But let’s not wait. Let’s join the forerunners He is calling. Storms of evil are coming. The Lord is not worried. Take shelter. His joy will be your strength. Abide in the secret place of the Most High, the shadow of the Almighty.  

Standing up for Jesus means standing up under the His arm. Life will not be easy, but His Yoke will be!  Kim and I are committed to learning from Him to stay in the secret place at all times, stormy or not. We are committed to helping you do the same. Will you commit? Will you help others around you learn as well? Let us help you. Come rest. Stand watch. Battle stations.

“Father, lift up You hand. Help us dwell in your secret place meditating upon Your word. Help us stand watch, continually lifting our right hand in prayer in the name, faith, and authority of Jesus. Amen.”

****Therefore, I encourage all of our Come Rest friends near and far to consider the following:
·        Read and practice Chapter 25 in my book Real Fruit.  It lays out in practical detail a clear plan for how you can come to the secret place of intimate prayer and meditation upon the Word for one hour per day.  Experiment. Make whatever changes are necessary for you to become a man or woman of prayer for the sake of your family, friends, and this world. Contact Kim and me for personal, or email, consultation on ways you can become His man or woman of prayer in His secret place for the lost and for His church.
·        If you are local friend of Come Rest, consider joining a new prayer initiative by Serve the City in Linn County. Serve the City is a coalition of over 50 evangelical churches and ministries in the greater Cedar Rapids area. Come Rest Ministries is one of those partners. We, in the Serve the City coalition, to have all 232,000 people in Linn County prayed for by name by  at least 187 prayer warriors just like you! I believe the Lord has shown me that at least one-fifth of these prayer warriors(37) will come from Come Rest Ministries. We believe many will be saved by the Lord through these prayers and many of the saved will be awakened with His fiery love like never before!  If you believe the Lord may be calling you to pray for 5 minutes for 5 different names of citizens of Linn County(one minute per name) for 5 days a week for one year---let me know as soon as possible and we will communicate your name to Serve the City that you are interested and plan to attend the Kick-off for informational purposes. This will help them in planning for numbers. All who are interested are asked to attend the Kick-off and then make their actual commitment after that night. If you have a schedule conflict and can’t attend the Kick-off you can still commit to the initiative by attending one of the training session options which will be announced the night of the Kick-off. For more information about this intiative go to If you want to commit to this then please access the invitation letter/commitment form go to , make a copy of the form, fill it out, and notify me of your commitment. You can bring your form to the Kick-off or email it to Serve the City.
Requirements are as follows:
1.       You are a believer/participant in our ministry or another Serve the City partner church or ministry.
2.     You will hopefully attend the Kick-off Sept. 9th at River of Life 7-830pm.
3.      You will definitely attend one of several training sessions in the next few weeks which will be announced that night.
4.     Once the program starts, you will pray for 5 different names of citizens of Linn County(one minute per name) for 5 days a week for one year. Serve the City will provide you with 25 fresh names each week—by email. Those without email will receive postal mail.
5.     You will contribute $5 to Serve the City to help defray costs for the training sessions.
·         If you are a non-local friend of Come Rest, please pray for more people to learn from Come Rest Ministries to pray in His secret place with the spread of our books and consultation. Also, you can pray for the Serve the City initiative here and ask the Lord if He is calling your churches and city to do the same. Have your church leaders contact us or Serve the City and we can share ideas!
Richard Speight
Come Rest Ministries’ Awakening of Love!
Friday, Sept. 6th    6:30-930pm
Beautiful worship, teaching, prayer, testimonies
At River of Life   
3810 Blairs Ferry Rd. Cedar Rapids, Ia
Come rest in Jesus as we invite the Holy Spirit to come rest upon us!
Register at the Door--Free will offering—Refreshments to follow

Come Rest Ministries Personal Retreat
“The Secret Place: Staying face to face with Him”
Wednesday Sept. 18th 9am-4pm
Rehoboth House 2125 Bever Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA
Requirements: Pen, bible, notebook, your copy of our book
REAL FRUIT, and your wholehearted desire to come rest in Jesus!
Cost: Freewill Offering plus $18 for book which may be purchased at retreat
Space Limited-- Lunch provided
Those interested must apply at

Come Rest Ministries’ Awakening of Love
Friday, Sept. 20th  6:30-930pm
Calvin-Sinclair Presbyterian Church   715 S. 38th St. SE Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Weekend Schedule
Fri.  Sept. 6          630-930pm           Come Rest Awakening of Love at River of Life
Sun. Sept. 8          845am                  Dick Speight teaching Real Fruit Class at River of Life
                             6pm                      Wellsprings Covenant Groups at Rehoboth(new groups forming in October)
                             7-830pm                I58 Outreach House Fellowship
Mon. Sept. 9        7-830pm               Join the Speights at Serve the City Prayer Initiative Kick-off at River of Life
Come Rest Ministries September 2013 Response Form
___My prayer request is____________________________________________________________________
___Yes, Lord! I will pray for CRM.
___Yes, Lord! I will financially support CRM. Today’s gift $________   My monthly pledge for $_______
___Yes, I want to help you order a new printing run of the book Come Rest! My gift is $___________________
___Please ship ___copie(s)  “Real Fruit”   ( $18+$4ship; each additional copy add$1 ship.)
Please have Richard Speight autograph a copy for the following person(s)
___Please ship ___ copie(s) “Come Rest”  ($16+$4 ship; each additional copy add $1 ship.)
Please have Richard Speight autograph a copy for the following person(s)
___Please ship __copies of CD “Meditations” & __copies of the CD “Reflections” ($8each or $12 for set+$4ship)

We deeply appreciate your prayers and financial offerings to Come Rest Ministries.
As Come Rest missionaries, Kim and I totally depend upon the Lord for our livelihood
through your offerings.  Please ask the Lord if he is calling you to generous regular
giving to Come Rest. Thank you so much.
Dick Speight

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