Thursday, July 16, 2015

We Must

He makes me to lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. Psalm 23:2

Dear friends of Come Rest,
Join me in making serious, joyful time to rest and feed in the green pastures of God’s Word. He will lead you beside refreshing still waters. Prayerfully meditating on scripture is like standing beside Jesus and looking with Him into a quiet pond. You will see His reflection and who you are destined to be in His love. Let summer 2015 truly be a time of reflection, repentance, and revival…in your Shepherd.  

·           The Lord’s return draws near. We must draw nearer to Him and let Him shepherd us like never before.
·           Please continue a Psalm 64 “prayer shield” over yourselves and the Body of Christ.
·           Please continue living worry free according to Matthew 6:25ff.
·           Please continue meditating upon Psalm 23(one verse per week) & James 4!
·           Please share the following with your friends, family, churches, and ministries:
The Supreme Court has once again openly rebelled against God’s Word. There will be consequences.
We must make sure the greatest consequence is unprecedented repentance, rest, and fruit in the Body of Christ!
We must cast our cares upon Him.
We must come up into His purity, clarity, unity, and charity.
We must repent for our own sin and request merciful awakening for our nation, churches, families, friends, and enemies.
We must be of good report like Caleb. There are indeed giants and fortified cities, but we are well able to come up and take the land!
We must let Jesus reign in us.
We must let the Holy Spirit rein us in.
We must ask the Holy Spirit to rain down on us.  
We must enjoy the Lord and trust in Him!
We must return to Jesus as our first love before He returns the last time for His Bride.
Surely He is using what the devil meant for evil to prompt His people into purifying fire and draw the lost into His arms of love.  
Richard Speight, Come Rest Ministries  7/16/15
·           Thank you for your prayers, financial support, and participation in Come Rest! Send us your prayer requests.

We love you all!
Richard and Kim Speight

FRIDAY, JULY 17th  630-930pm
Encounter Christian Church in Cedar Rapids
2260 Edgewood Drive NW
Richard & Kim Speight and Teresa Lydon teaching;
Miriam Bandfield & Lori Owens & Jared Leversee with music,
& other Come Rest ministers in prayer, and open mic testimonies!
Come believing for miracles!
Bring friends from all walks of life!
Register at the door; freewill offering.
July 31st  7-10pm
At Rehoboth(Speights’ home)
2125 Bever Ave. SE Cedar Rapids)
Bring someone who desires the Lord’s refreshing presence!
Bring someone who can’t come to Rehoboth on Sunday nights!
Bring someone who wants renewing cross-denominational fellowship!
Bring yourself! J
Joyful praise, grateful testimonies, healing prayer, laughter, encouraging conversation!
Freewill offering.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 7th  630-930pm
River of Life in Cedar Rapids
3801 Blairs Ferry Rd. NE
Richard & Kim Speight with other Come Rest ministers in word, prayer, and music!
Bring your own grateful testimonies. Come believing for miracles!
Bring friends from all walks of life!
Register at the door; freewill offering.
Come Rest ministries
Wednesday Personal Retreat
August 19th  9am-4pm
Rehoboth House 2125 Bever Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA
Requirements: Pen, bible, notebook, your copy of our book
REAL FRUIT, and your wholehearted desire to come rest in Jesus!
Cost: Freewill Offering plus $18 for book which may be purchased at retreat
Space Limited-- Lunch provided
Encourage Christian friends and family to apply. Consider buying a $58 Retreat Gift Certificate for them!
Those interested must apply at
Glance Ahead
July 19  845am     Speights teaching Come Up class at River of Life Room A      
                        6pm        Men’s & Women’s Covenant Groups at Rehoboth
7pm        I58 House Fellowship at Rehoboth.
July 26  9am-12pm Speights minister @Faith Family Fellowship Church in Fayette, Iowa.
Aug. 7   630pm      Awakening of Love at River of Life in Cedar Rapids.
Oct.3-4                  Rehoboth Wellsprings 2 Day Gathering at CR Sanctuary in Cedar Rapids.

Nov. 5-7               Rehoboth Wellsprings 3 Day Gathering at (TBD) 

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