Thursday, June 18, 2015

Increase Prayer Shield and Decrease Worry

Dear friends of Come Rest,
·      The world may see the shootings in Charleston as racial hate, but we believe it is also a deeper attack from the enemy upon the Body of Christ to divide and intimidate deeply committed believers, leaders, and prayer warriors.
·      Please continue to spread the  Psalm 64 “prayer shield” by praying Psalm 64 aloud daily over all true followers of Jesus in your region and inviting other believers in your sphere of influence to do the same.
·      We believe the Holy Spirit is telling us to pray Psalm 64 over the Body of Christ through June 30 and await directions.
·      Check in on spiritual leaders, spouses, and families—as well as the prayer warriors in your churches and ministries. Prayer warriors need prayer covering too! Surprise them with kindness and generosity.
·      Meditate upon and consider memorizing Psalm 64 and declaring it aloud in prayer over your family.
·      Ask for divine appointments to pray for, and encourage people, with Psalm 64!
·      Also, we believe the Holy Spirit is reminding us to live Matthew 6:25-34 & Matthew 11:28-30 even as we keep praying Psalm 64. It can be intense when spiritual warfare continues. We need to take the Lord so seriously that we do not take ourselves too seriously! In Matthew 6,Jesus reminds us to not worry about what will happen to us; to walk with Him in considering the birds and flowers; to focus on His kingdom and His righteousness. If we focus on Jesus and His business, He will take care of ours! The way to fight the devil is to not fight with the devil but to walk with Jesus. In Matthew 11, Jesus invities us to Come to Him. Take His Yoke. Learn from Him. This means to daily surrender your burdens, surrender control, and surrender your undivided attention to Jesus.
·      I am now meditating upon Matthew 6:25-34, beginning to memorize it—and most importantly—taking a deep breath and actually doing it. The Lord is helping gain His peaceful perspective and He will do that for you as well.

So lighten up and brighten up even as you lift up prayers in spiritual warfare! Jesus reigns, lives in you, and is interceding in prayer for you! When you walk with Him you can enjoy life with Him in this world even while you prepare to live in the next.

We love and bless you all !
Dick and Kim Speight

                                                                FRIDAY, JUNE 19th  630-930pm
Encounter Christian Church in Cedar Rapids
2260 Edgewood Drive NW
Powerful music with Pastor Caleb Plumb and other Come Rest musicians; teaching from Richard & Kim Speight and other Come Rest ministers, and encouraging words from other’s hearts. Bring your own grateful testimonies. Receive healing prayer. Bring friends from all walks of life and many streams of Christianity!
Register at the door; freewill offering.

 July 3rd 7-10pm
At Rehoboth(Speights’ home)
2125 Bever Ave. SE Cedar Rapids)
This is a new outreach we will try a few times over the summer!
Bring someone who desires the Lord’s refreshing presence!
Bring someone who can’t come to Rehoboth on Sunday nights!
Bring someone who wants renewing cross-denominational fellowship!
Bring yourself! J
Joyful praise, grateful testimonies, healing prayer, laughter, encouraging conversation!
Freewill offering.
                                                                FRIDAY, JULY 10th  630-930pm
River of Life in Cedar Rapids
3801 Blairs Ferry Rd. NE
Richard & Kim Speight and other Come Rest ministers in word, prayer, and music!
Bring your own grateful testimonies. Receive healing prayer.
Bring friends from all walks of life and many streams of Christianity!
Register at the door; freewill offering.

Come Rest ministries
Wednesday Personal Retreat
juLY 15th  9am-4pm
Rehoboth House 2125 Bever Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA
Requirements: Pen, bible, notebook, your copy of our book
REAL FRUIT, and your wholehearted desire to come rest in Jesus!
Cost: Freewill Offering plus $18 for book which may be purchased at retreat
Space Limited-- Lunch provided
Encourage Christian friends and family to apply. Consider buying a $58 Retreat Gift Certificate for them!
Those interested must apply at
                                                                FRIDAY, JULY 18th  630-930pm
Encounter Christian Church in Cedar Rapids
2260 Edgewood Drive NW
Powerful music with Pastor Caleb Plumb and other Come Rest musicians; teaching from Richard & Kim Speight and other Come Rest ministers, and encouraging words from other’s hearts. Bring your own grateful testimonies. Receive healing prayer. Bring friends from all walks of life and many streams of Christianity!
Register at the door; freewill offering.
Upcoming this weekend
Friday                      630           Awakening of Love at Encounter Christian Church in CR
Sunday                    845am        Dick Speight teaching Come Up class at River of Life Room A      
   Cancelled   Men’s and Women’s Covenant Groups at Rehoboth.
                                7pm        I58 House Fellowship at Rehoboth

Thank you so much for your prayers and financial gifts to the Lord for Come Rest Ministries! Please keep sending us your prayer requests!

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