Thursday, July 4, 2013

Year Eight

“You lead me in the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; and in You right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11 NKJV

On July 1st we opened year eight of Come Rest Ministries. What a year it will be. We believe the Lord has shown us that He will be opening many wonderful new doors to spread His Come Rest message near and far.  It will be a very active year of new beginnings. However, I believe the Lord said in my heart two weeks ago He now wants to teach me to spend a minimum of 3hrs a day/6 days a week alone with Him in prayer and meditating upon His word. He also wants to teach me to spend 3 fruitful hrs a day writing/5 days a week. He will make a way for our life and ministry to be even more simple, more effective, more refreshing and fruitful in the lives of others. Less means more. Less anxious toil and distractions, more peaceful, powerful fruit.

I am just beginning to rearrange my life to do this and it is very challenging and exciting. In the flesh this sounds a bit crazy. How can one afford to do this when all kinds of new activity is increasing? But, actually, the Holy Spirit knows we can’t afford not to!  Modern Christians often spend too much time looking into electronic screens and too little time looking into His loving face. Too much time walking our own path of strife; too little time following His path of life. Too much emptiness from entertainment absent of purity. Too little fullness of joy in His presence. Too much lust, greed, and pride walking according to our flesh. Too little ecstatic Holy pleasure walking according to His word.

You might think you could never spend 3 hrs alone with the Lord in scripture and prayer. But He gives every one of us 24 hours a day. How are you spending yours? I’m not saying you have to follow me. I am saying you GET to follow Him. I’m realizing 3hrs of prayer and meditation upon scripture isn’t something I have to do—it’s a gift I GET to do. Ask Him what adjustments He wants you to make.  This past Tuesday I felt He wanted me to memorize Psalm 16 and in two hours time He helped me do just that! Wow, now that awesome prayer song of David is in me…changing me. I’m just beginning to make the adjustments He wants me to make, but already I am feeling His real joy and pleasure filling me. The Lord is the best time you will ever have.

And don’t you just love the last verse 11? It describes the life He is offering you right now. Begin where you are. You don’t have to perform perfectly, because He will! He really is there to help us live His word. Come rest from the worldly, sinful path. Come rest in Him and His path of life. Come to Him, take only His yoke, learn from Him and you will find rest for your souls…and His real love and power to offer other souls.

Come rest in His love,
Dick Speight

Come Rest on Television or YouTube!
July 4th  830pm --July 7th 6am
KFXB-TV Dubuque
Program: “Coming Home” 
Mediacom Channel 19- Cedar Rapids;
Channel 8- Waterloo; Channel 12- Prairie DuChien
43.1 Digital Antenna
Watch Online Anytime at

Our Next “Awakening of Love” Gathering!
Friday, July 5th     6:30-9:30pm
Theme: “Oil not Toil!”
River of Life, 3801 Blairs Ferry Rd., Cedar Rapids IA
Come rest in Jesus as we invite the Holy Spirit to come rest upon us!
Beautiful worship, teaching, testimonies, and prayer
awakening our region to Jesus as First Love!
Register at the Door--Free will offering—Refreshments to follow
Prayer Walking at C.R. Farmer’s Market
Meet promptly w/Duane Mclean 319-899-0315(at 3rd Ave. & 3rd St.(Old Armstrong building.)
·       Carol Blomberg has a "prophetic sidewalk chalk drawing' front of Smulekoff's--position # 8
·       Ellen Healey will include a prayer walk around 1st  Presbyterian
“The Adventure Ahead”
A 3-part teaching and vision for the future of the Body of Christ
by Dick & Kim Speight
At Our Real Fruit Class
Sunday, July 7th  8:45am
Room A-B at  River of Life 3801 Blairs Ferry Rd.
(Come check it out. Invite your friends!)

New 3 month Men’s & Women’s
Wellsprings Covenant Groups!
Begin Sunday, 6pm, July 7th at Rehoboth(Speights’ home)
You may join these groups if you are a believer who is known well by the Speights; agree with our Come Rest core beliefs; and are committed to be a regular member of our weekly Sunday night Isaiah 58 group at 7pm.  
Every week, for one hour, we report on 3 questions:
1. “How is it with your soul?
2. “How is the Holy Spirit been prompting you to bear real fruit in Jesus?
3. “How can we pray for you?”
We then pray for each other and commit to keep one another in prayer during the week.
·         Jesus Christ is Lord.
·         God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
·         God so loves the world He gave His only Son, that whoever trusts Jesus has eternal life.
·         Jesus gives rest to all who come to Him, take His yoke, and learn from Him.
·         Holy Spirit leads us to repentance & helps us abide in Christ bearing real fruit as His witnesses.
·         All 66 books of the Bible are God-breathed to reveal Jesus Christ as Lord and salvation in Him alone.
·         The Kingdom is Jesus’ perfect love manifest in imperfect people, casting out all fear.
·         The Apostles’ Creed--I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from there he shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy universal church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
·         Jesus will return like a thief in the night when He is least expected. We are to stand watch & pray.
Come Rest Personal Retreat(A few slots still open)
Wednesday July 10th
Rehoboth House 2125 Bever Ave SE
Cedar Rapids, IA
Requirements: Pen, bible, notebook, your copy of our book
REAL FRUIT, and your wholehearted desire to come rest in Jesus!
Cost: Freewill Offering for Come Rest Ministries
plus $18 for the book which may be purchased at retreat
Space Limited-- Lunch provided
Those interested must apply at
Upcoming Schedule
July 4       830pm             Come Rest featured on “Coming Home” KXKB-TV (see above)
July 6       10am-Noon     Prayer Walking at C.R. Farmer’s Market. (see above)
July 5       630pm              Awakening of Love at River of Life
July 7        6am                 Come Rest featured on “Coming Home” KXKB-TV (see above)
845am              Speights teaching Real Fruit at River of Life in Cedar Rapids
                  6pm               New Men’s & Women’s Wellsprings Covenant Groups(see above)
  7pm               I-58 Outreach Fellowship at Rehoboth
July 10     9am                  Personal Retreat at Rehoboth(see above)
July 13     10am                Prayer Walking at Calvin-Sinclair
July 27      130pm             Speights ministering at Burt, Iowa.
Aug  2      630pm             Awakening of Love at River of Life
Aug  3      9am                 Come Rest ministering at Unleashing Hearts in Heartland Conference at CHCC in Cedar Rapids.

Our summer ministry cash flow is improving but still low. Thank you to all who are praying. We ask our supporters and participants in our programs to ask the Lord what He wants you to give now, and on a regular basis---- to help more people rest in Jesus’ love and bear real fruit.   Blessings, Dick and Kim Speight
Come Rest Ministries July 2013 Response Form
___My prayer request is____________________________________________________________________
___Yes, Lord! I will pray for CRM.
___Yes, Lord! I will financially support CRM. Today’s gift $________   My monthly pledge for $_______
___Yes, I want to help you order a new printing run of the book Come Rest! My gift is $___________________
___Please ship ___copie(s)  “Real Fruit”   ( $18+$4ship; each additional copy add$1 ship.)
Please have Richard Speight autograph a copy for the following person(s)
___Please ship ___ copie(s) “Come Rest”  ($16+$4 ship; each additional copy add $1 ship.)
Please have Richard Speight autograph a copy for the following person(s)
___Please ship __copies of CD “Meditations” & __copies of the CD “Reflections” ($8each or $12 for set+$4ship)

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