Friday, December 19, 2014

Thus Far

Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen, and called its name Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” 1 Samuel 7:12 NKJV

What anticipation. A December afternoon in 1965. When Dad came home from work as diesel railroad machinist, both parents would take my little brother and me Christmas shopping in bustling downtown Omaha. It was a big deal. We normally shopped in our much smaller hometown of Council Bluffs just across the Missouri River, the Mighty Mo’. Mom was seeking a particular gift for her sister only found at the massive downtown Brandeis store(to Omaha what Macy’s was to New York.). What’s more, after shopping we would return home to watch Mister Magoo’s Christmas Carol. It was a big deal and already a cherished tradition as the first Christmas television cartoon special in 1962 that paved the way for Charlie Brown and others in American pop culture. Watching Magoo play Dickens’ Scrooge was the first time I heard the name “Ebenezer.” 

When we arrived at the store Mom set off on her quest. Dad let us fully in as co-conspirators in his shopping plans for Mom. We were thrilled as we secretly patrolled on mission with him throughout various departments, while keeping a lookout for Mom. From then on, joining one parent in their search for just the right gift for the other parent became one of my most cherished Christmas traditions. As I reflect on it now, it wasn’t the shopping for the item that I enjoyed the most—it was the shopping for the person. As we traversed the aisles I listened to the way Dad delightfully described his bride as the most beautiful woman in the world. He always said she reminded him of the actress Ava Gardner. He gave examples why she was such a faithful wife, mother, and registered nurse. I watched the way Dad precisely pursued the right sizes, colors, textures, and functions of the gift—all for the purpose of showing her how much He loved her. Dad didn’t always get the right size or the right color, but we always saw the same look in Mom’s eyes on Christmas morning. She loved and delighted in Dad always, even if he never gave her another gift. Yet she also knew that every gift she did receive from her bridegroom was a sacrificial labor of passionate love for her.

I get teased sometimes by other men because I love to shop for Kim, love to shop for my loved ones—whether for gifts or for groceries—just like my Dad. But I notice that women do not tease me. Every woman, every person, whether they are aware or not, longs to be cherished sacrificially. It is the case for you and for me. Jesus is just the person for the job. Let Him do it. Let Him love you passionately and precisely at your deepest need this Christmas. Cry out to Him in your pain. Pour out your praise and thanksgiving to Him for dying on the cross for you to save you from hell. Read scripture and listen deeply to what He is saying to you. Ask Him to give you more of His heart of love to passionately and precisely cherish the people in your immediate sphere of influence. In all your relationships with family, friend, or foe--I beg you to come up into His supernatural flow of love in each present moment. He is always right there with us, Emmanuel. Let your Helper help you.
This brings me to the name “Ebenezer.” Ebenezer means “stone of help.” Samuel set up a stone between Mizpah and Shen as an act of praise, thanksgiving, and remembrance for God’s people at a particularly crucial time. Mizpah can be translated “watchtower” and Shen can be “change.” They had forgotten their God, their Helper, who had delivered them from Egypt and brought them to the promised land. Instead, they embraced the idolatry and sexual immorality of the cultures around them. They were weary and heavy laden from the consequences of their sin and oppressed and harassed by their enemies. They came to Samuel whom God had mercifully raised up to watch over them. They asked him to pray for them. He prophesied and called them to destroy their Baal statues and Ashteroth poles and come back to the Lord and find mercy and rest in obedience to the His commands. And they did! They could no longer stand defenselessly squeezed between their own sin against God and their enemies against them. Join me in praying for America and modern day Israel, that both nations will turn from all idolatrous immorality and come rest in Jesus’ truth and love. Let it begin with you and me. Let this moment, this Christmas 2014 season, be a true Ebenezer time between you and the Lord. Come up into His watchtower and change! Let Him help you stop sinning and start shining.

The first step is always turning your eyes upon Jesus. Meditate upon who He is and what He has done for you thus far.  It’s interesting to me that Charles Dickens named his character “Ebenezer Scrooge.” Scrooge comes from an old English word meaning “squeeze”—as in Scrooge miserly squeezing money out of every moment and person.  So, literally, “Ebenezer Scrooge” can mean “The Stone of Help Squeezed”. Guess who that is?

Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: “The stone that the builders rejected has become the conrnerstone; this was the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes?’ Matthew 21:42 ESV

The night before Jesus died on the cross for you and me, He prayed in agony in the garden of Gethsemane, which means “olive press”. Near that garden was a press which would extract the first cold virgin pressings of the olive fruit from the trees. He placed Himself into the press between the weight of the world’s sin and hellish destiny on one side; and the prospect of torturous death and  temptation to avoid it, on the other.

And being in agony, he was praying very fervently; and His sweat became like drops of blood falling down upon the ground. Matthew 26:44 ESV

The next day He took all the wrath for our sin upon Himself, all our iniquities, all our diseases. He paid the price in full. He was dead as a door nail, and on the third day was raised. Then He sent the Holy Spirit—the first pressing of oil from His pure sacrifice—the Helper. He knit you together in your mother’s womb,  helped someone pray for you, testify to you, invite you to receive Jesus, He actually helped you give your life to Christ, and He has preserved you through great trials and protected you from untold calamities up to this moment—thus far.  And no matter how you may feel “squeezed” by the pressures of living in this sinful, fearful world as you read this—the One who entered the “olive press” for you is passionately and precisely pursuing everything for your best right now. This Christmas, will He see the look of absolute love in your eye for Him-- like my Dad saw in my Mom’s eye—whether he got the size right or not? Pause for just a moment…think about it…if He never did one more thing for you…if nothing else ever went right for you in this life…wouldn’t it be enough that He saved you from hell? The Holy Spirit is your oil of gladness. Let Him burn bright through praise, scripture, prayer, and grateful sacrificial giving of yourself for others. You are part of Jesus’ Bride. You are absolutely beautiful to Him. It’s a mystery, but we are all foremost on His mind at the same time. He’s always working, watch, waiting to help you now. Let Him. Love Him. Love others from His heart within you. That’s all He wants for Christmas. Come up and know Him better. The Helper has a wonderful adventure planned for you. The Bridegroom returns. What anticipation!

Kim and I thank the Lord Jesus, and each of you, for helping us thus far!

Merry Christmas! 
Mighty Christ sends us forth in 2015 to invite the world to come rest in His love.
God bless us every one!
Dick and Kim Speight

Dec. 19             630-930pm   Come Rest Carols and Party @ CR Calvin-Sinclair Presbyterian
Dec. 21 & 28     845am          Come Up!/Secret Place Class at CR River of Life
                         6pm               Men’s & Women’s Wellsprings Covenant Groups at Rehoboth(2125 Bever Ave SE, CR)
                        7pm                 I58 Cross-denominational House Fellowship at Rehoboth             
Jan. 4                10am & 6pm     Speights teaching on prayer @ Open Bible in Jefferson, Iowa  AM & PM services
                        6pm                 Men’s & Women’s Wellsprings Covenant Groups at Duane Mclean’s home 1668 13th St NW, CR319-899-0315)
                        7pm                 I58 Cross-denominational House Fellowship at Mclean’s(Ellis to O; O to 13th; north on 13th to end of block)
Jan. 9               630-930            Come Rest Awakening of Love@ River of Life, CR
Jan. 21              9am-4pm          Come Rest Personal Retreat; apply at
Come Rest Christmas 2014 Response Form
___My prayer request is__________________________________________________
___Yes, Lord! I will pray for Come Rest Ministries.
___Yes, Lord! I will financially support Come Rest Ministries.
Today’s gift $______________
___Yes, Lord! I have enclosed $100 for the “COME REST” Reprint Fund.
___Please send me ____copie(s) of the “REAL FRUIT”
                        1/$18; 2/30; 5/$60. $4 ship for 1 plus $1 per additional copy
___I will cast seeds in my city by giving away REAL FRUIT as the Holy Spirit leads!
            ___Send me 10 copies for $100 plus $10 ship. 
___Please send me __copie(s) of Come Rest CD 1 “Meditations with Dick Speight”
___Please send me __copie(s) of  Come Rest CD 2”Reflections on His Real Love”
            $8 each plus $2 ship; $12 for the set of 1&2 plus $3 ship.


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