Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Depth Perception

Hypocrite! First remove the log from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eyes. Matthew 7:5
He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of His heart will flow rivers of living water.  John 7:38

Dear local and global friends of Come Rest,
Here is an Easter gift from my heart to yours, a poem I wrote this week.


I approach Easter
eyes wide open.
The Upright One
died on upright log for all.
His blood opens the mercy seat,
His secret place, wide open to me.
Yet, sometimes I refuse
to stay with Him there;
allowing a log to lodge
in my eye as in Matthew 7.
I sit where I do not belong,
in a judgment seat,
focusing upon another’s speck,
before removing my log.
Hypocrisy hurts Him.
Time to get uncorked.
Log jam no more!
Sooner than later, may
His family flow together
in royal priesthood.
Yet few are out in stream,
too many cheap seats on the bank
too many mired in the marsh.
I hear Him say,
“Come up! Do not settle for
anything less than Me
and the River!”
Where is the logjam?
It begins with me.
What is the log?
Nourished doubt?
Cherished grudge?
Other murky habits?
Let Him help.
Follow deeper.
Read the vision of Ezekiel 47.
Heed the promise of John 7:38.
Remove the log, avoid the bog.
Be clear of eye
to see beneath another’s sin;
fathom the depths of their heart,
from the Upright Heart of Mercy.
He will break the logjam in
preparing for His return.
All who yield will be along
for quite the whitewater ride.
The only thing He wants you to miss
is the log.
Do you see?

Dick Speight
April 16, 2014

FRIDAY, APRIL 18th      630-930PM
Calvin-Sinclair Presbyterian in Cedar Rapids
Register at the door; freewill offering; refreshments.
Come meet with our Living Lord as we welcome all friends of Come Rest as well as members of Cedar Rapids Vineyard and Calvin-Sinclair Presbyterian. From 630 to around 8pm we will have a Spirit-led flow of prayer, music, and testimony in the midst of candlelight and scripture readings of Jesus’ last supper, arrest, trial, crucifixion, and burial. Sometime after 8pm we will continue to follow the Spirit with testimony, Communion, Foot Washing, or Prayer Ministry for those who feel so led.
Easter Sunday April  20th              845am     Dick Speight teaching “Come Up!/Secret Place” class in Room A at River of Life
                                                          7pm          YES--I58 Easter Celebration at Rehoboth (Speights’ home)

We deeply appreciate your prayers and offerings to the Lord for Come Rest Ministries!
We give thanks for those who recently responded to our appeal due to low finances.
We still need an increased level of regular giving for this mission. Please ask the Lord what
He wants you to do. Another great way to support and spread this mission
is to buy more of our books and seed them into others’ lives.
Thank you so much.
Dick and Kim Speight
Come Rest Ministries April Response Form
___My prayer request is_______________________________________________________
___Yes, Lord! I will pray for CRM and for Dick Speight as he writes the new vision document.
___Yes, Lord! I will financially support CRM. Today’s gift $________   My monthly pledge for $_______
___Yes, I want Real Fruit at new 2014 pricing! 
___Please ship!  ___I’m local and will call ahead for pick-up at Speights!
___1 for $18(plus $4 ship)
            ___2 for $30 (plus $5 ship)
            ___5 for $70 (plus $8 ship)
            ___10 for $130 (plus $13 ship)
Please have Richard Speight autograph a copy for the following person(s)
___Please ship ___ copie(s) “Come Rest”  ($16+$4 ship; each additional copy add $1 ship.)
Please have Richard Speight autograph a copy for the following person(s)
Love and blessings,
Dick and Kim Speight

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