Monday, April 28, 2014

Slow to Anger, Quick to Love the Lost

Dear Local and Global Friends of Come Rest,

In addition to Matthew 6 & 7, I suggest that you begin meditating upon Joshua 5 & 6 and the short book of Jonah. As a ministry we are going to stay with the Lord in these chapters until we feel He moves us on.

·         In Matthew 6 & 7 consider specific adjustments Jesus wants you to make in a closer personal walk with Him.

·         In Joshua 5&6 consider the preparation and marching orders given to Joshua by the Lord. What is the Lord saying to you and your church?

·         In Jonah, consider how Jonah ran away from the Lord’s call to go to  Nineveh. How is the Lord calling you to go mercifully to your city in His name?

·         In prayer a picture came to my mind concerning the marching orders the Lord is giving to the Body of Christ in America. I saw fortified walls around the not-yet-saved as the walls of Jericho and I heard the phrase “Slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.” The Lord instructed Joshua to march Israel around Jericho for seven days. On the seventh day there were seven circuits before the final shout that knocked down the walls. In this year of Consuming Fire of 2014, I believe the Lord is aiming in “day one march” to lead us to become slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. If we want our lost relatives, friends, and enemies to be saved, we need to draw closer to the Lord and become more patient, kind, and generous people.

·         Curiously enough, Jonah resists God’s call to invite Nineveh to repent because he knows God is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love—so willing to receive those who repent.

·         The more we thank and praise the Lord for our own salvation, the more He will make our hearts soft and full of His fire and kindness for others. This, in turn, contributes to destroying the walls up around the lost.

What is the Lord saying to you?

Praying blessing and repentance upon you, your family, your church, your city!

Dick Speight



A Night for “Nineveh” in Jonah

Are You Running TO or FROM the call of God for your city?


River of Life in Cedar Rapids

Worship, teaching, testimonies, prayer.

Bring a friend!

Register at the door; freewill offering; refreshments.




“Slow to Anger &Abounding in Steadfast Love”

Meditating upon the book of Jonah

Wednesday May 21st9am-4pm

Rehoboth House 2125 Bever Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA

Requirements: Pen, bible, notebook, your copy of our book

REAL FRUIT, and your wholehearted desire to come rest in Jesus!

Cost: Freewill Offering plus $18 for book which may be purchased at retreat

Space Limited-- Lunch provided

Those interested must apply

Weekend Events

Sunday April  27th       845-945am     Dick Speight teachingCome UP! Class in Room AB at River of Life

6-650pm        Men’s & Women’s Covenant Groups at Rehoboth.

                                      7-830 pm          I58 House Meeting at Rehoboth (Speights’ home)



Come Rest Ministries April Response Form

___My prayer request is_______________________________________________________

___Yes, Lord! I will pray for CRM and for Dick Speight as he writes the new vision document.

___Yes, Lord! I will financially support CRM. Today’s gift $________   My monthly pledge for $_______

___Yes, I want Real Fruit at new 2014 pricing!

___Please ship!  ___I’m local and will call ahead for pick-up at Speights!

___1 for $18(plus $4 ship)

            ___2 for $30 (plus $5 ship)

            ___5 for $70 (plus $8 ship)

            ___10 for $130 (plus $13 ship)

Please have Richard Speight autograph a copy for the following person(s)


___Please ship ___ copie(s) “Come Rest” ($16+$4 ship; each additional copy add $1 ship.)

Please have Richard Speight autograph a copy for the following person(s)






We deeply appreciate your prayers and offerings to the Lord for Come Rest Ministries!

Another great way to support and spread this mission

is to buy more of our books and seed them into others’ lives.

Thank you so much.

Dick and Kim Speight

Kim Speight

Come Rest Ministries

PO Box 11010

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52410-1010


Saturday, April 19, 2014

All Things New

for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and  lead them to living fountains of waters. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away. Then he who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.”” Revelation 7:17; 21:4-5

Dear friends,
On April 20, 2007 my mama passed on to be with Jesus. This will be the first time this anniversary falls on Easter. I am especially mindful of her as Sunday approaches. She and my dad loved each other in 53 years of faithful Christian marriage. They introduced me to Jesus. She mercifully cared for many as a registered nurse. She never lost faith in her Jesus even though life often brought her much physical pain. She read to me, played basketball with me, kissed my owies, listened to me pour out my heart about whatever pleased or pained me, gave me wise counsel, and deeply loved my wife and children. Above all she prayed for me every day of my life. I believe she still does.

It’s hard for me to believe it has already been seven years since she passed. It’s not hard for me to believe she is with Jesus in heaven, because she loved Him on earth. He promises all who follow Him in this life will be with Him in the next. I wanted more time on earth with Mom, who was only 73 when she passed. But I am truly comforted by the Holy Spirit because of three main things: I know her tears and pain are over; I will see her again; and we will worship the Lamb forever.

I remember the Easters of my childhood. After we got up and found our Easter baskets of goodies we would go to church and then to grandma’s for children’s egg hunt and a huge extended family dinner. Before church Dad would take photos and movie film of mom, me, and my brother  posing in our suits. Occasionally we behaved, many times she would have to tell us to knock it off and stand still! During worship, my brother and me sat between my mom and dad. I still remember how moved my Dad was by the choir singing his favorite “Jerusalem:The Holy City.” Mom’s eyes teary because his were. My favorite part of Easter was singing the great Easter hymns with my parents in the midst of the great congregation. It was my first glimpse of what heaven must be like. Dad’s favorite hymn was “Christ the Lord is Risen Today!” Mom’s was “Low in the Grave He Lay.”

So if you are local, maybe you want to join Kim and I for either of our Come Rest Celebrations this Sunday. We will sing my parents’ favorite hymns and meditate upon John 20 and Luke 24, ask the Holy Spirit to lead us, and give testimonies of our Risen Lord. But whether you are our local or global friend, the Risen Jesus is with you right now. He died once for all to destroy sin and death for you. He was raised from the dead and will never die again, so that all who trust Him will find living fountains of His presence in this life; and in the next life--no more tears, no more death. Even now, as you read this, behold He is doing a new thing!

Here is the first verse of my mama’s favorite Easter Hymn. Thanks Mama. Praise you Jesus! See you soon!

Low in the grave He lay, Jesus my Savior
Waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord.
Up from the grave He arose
With a might triumph oer’ His foes
He arose a victor from the dark domain
And He lives forever with His saints to reign
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ Arose!

He is risen, indeed!
Dick Speight

SUNDAY, APRIL 18th   845-10AM
Room A-B @ River of Life, Cedar Rapids
Open to non-class members.
Hymns, John 20, Testimonies, Prayer, Refreshments
SUNDAY, APRIL 18th   7pm-9pm
Rehoboth, 2125 Bever Ave. SE Cedar Rapids
Hymns, Luke 24, Testimonies, Prayer, Refreshments

Weekend Events
Saturday April 19th      2-4pm    Speights assisting at Congolese Refugee Wedding at Greater Word of Faith Church, Cedar Rapids.
Sunday April  20th       845am    Come Rest Easter Celebration open to non-class members in Room AB at River of Life
6pm          COVENANT GROUPS CANCELLED this Sunday only. Will resume next Sunday the 27th.
                                      7pm          I58 Easter Celebration at Rehoboth (Speights’ home)

Come Rest Ministries April Response Form
___My prayer request is_______________________________________________________
___Yes, Lord! I will pray for CRM and for Dick Speight as he writes the new vision document.
___Yes, Lord! I will financially support CRM. Today’s gift $________   My monthly pledge for $_______
___Yes, I want Real Fruit at new 2014 pricing! 
___Please ship!  ___I’m local and will call ahead for pick-up at Speights!
___1 for $18(plus $4 ship)
            ___2 for $30 (plus $5 ship)
            ___5 for $70 (plus $8 ship)
            ___10 for $130 (plus $13 ship)
Please have Richard Speight autograph a copy for the following person(s)
___Please ship ___ copie(s) “Come Rest”  ($16+$4 ship; each additional copy add $1 ship.)
Please have Richard Speight autograph a copy for the following person(s)
We deeply appreciate your prayers and offerings to the Lord for Come Rest Ministries!
We give thanks for those who recently responded to our appeal due to low finances.
We still need an increased level of regular giving for this mission. Please ask the Lord what
He wants you to do. Another great way to support and spread this mission
is to buy more of our books and seed them into others’ lives.
Thank you so much.
Dick and Kim Speight

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Depth Perception

Hypocrite! First remove the log from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eyes. Matthew 7:5
He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of His heart will flow rivers of living water.  John 7:38

Dear local and global friends of Come Rest,
Here is an Easter gift from my heart to yours, a poem I wrote this week.


I approach Easter
eyes wide open.
The Upright One
died on upright log for all.
His blood opens the mercy seat,
His secret place, wide open to me.
Yet, sometimes I refuse
to stay with Him there;
allowing a log to lodge
in my eye as in Matthew 7.
I sit where I do not belong,
in a judgment seat,
focusing upon another’s speck,
before removing my log.
Hypocrisy hurts Him.
Time to get uncorked.
Log jam no more!
Sooner than later, may
His family flow together
in royal priesthood.
Yet few are out in stream,
too many cheap seats on the bank
too many mired in the marsh.
I hear Him say,
“Come up! Do not settle for
anything less than Me
and the River!”
Where is the logjam?
It begins with me.
What is the log?
Nourished doubt?
Cherished grudge?
Other murky habits?
Let Him help.
Follow deeper.
Read the vision of Ezekiel 47.
Heed the promise of John 7:38.
Remove the log, avoid the bog.
Be clear of eye
to see beneath another’s sin;
fathom the depths of their heart,
from the Upright Heart of Mercy.
He will break the logjam in
preparing for His return.
All who yield will be along
for quite the whitewater ride.
The only thing He wants you to miss
is the log.
Do you see?

Dick Speight
April 16, 2014

FRIDAY, APRIL 18th      630-930PM
Calvin-Sinclair Presbyterian in Cedar Rapids
Register at the door; freewill offering; refreshments.
Come meet with our Living Lord as we welcome all friends of Come Rest as well as members of Cedar Rapids Vineyard and Calvin-Sinclair Presbyterian. From 630 to around 8pm we will have a Spirit-led flow of prayer, music, and testimony in the midst of candlelight and scripture readings of Jesus’ last supper, arrest, trial, crucifixion, and burial. Sometime after 8pm we will continue to follow the Spirit with testimony, Communion, Foot Washing, or Prayer Ministry for those who feel so led.
Easter Sunday April  20th              845am     Dick Speight teaching “Come Up!/Secret Place” class in Room A at River of Life
                                                          7pm          YES--I58 Easter Celebration at Rehoboth (Speights’ home)

We deeply appreciate your prayers and offerings to the Lord for Come Rest Ministries!
We give thanks for those who recently responded to our appeal due to low finances.
We still need an increased level of regular giving for this mission. Please ask the Lord what
He wants you to do. Another great way to support and spread this mission
is to buy more of our books and seed them into others’ lives.
Thank you so much.
Dick and Kim Speight
Come Rest Ministries April Response Form
___My prayer request is_______________________________________________________
___Yes, Lord! I will pray for CRM and for Dick Speight as he writes the new vision document.
___Yes, Lord! I will financially support CRM. Today’s gift $________   My monthly pledge for $_______
___Yes, I want Real Fruit at new 2014 pricing! 
___Please ship!  ___I’m local and will call ahead for pick-up at Speights!
___1 for $18(plus $4 ship)
            ___2 for $30 (plus $5 ship)
            ___5 for $70 (plus $8 ship)
            ___10 for $130 (plus $13 ship)
Please have Richard Speight autograph a copy for the following person(s)
___Please ship ___ copie(s) “Come Rest”  ($16+$4 ship; each additional copy add $1 ship.)
Please have Richard Speight autograph a copy for the following person(s)
Love and blessings,
Dick and Kim Speight