Saturday, December 22, 2012

His Resting Place

 Another sublime picture lingers in my mind from our December “God Rest Ye Merry” service. I told you last week about little Levi. As we continued to pray for children I prayed for Levi’s 4 year-old sister Eva who looked up at me with such big loving eyes. Soon I turned to my ten-year old friend Christina from Aplington. Christina is a generous, radiant, and creative girl who nonetheless battles some health issues that can be discouraging to her and her faithful mother Cindy. Do you know the feeling?
Before I laid my hand upon Christina’s head to pray, I felt like the Lord spoke to my heart that He had given someone else in the service a word of encouragement for Christina. We all waited and prayed. After several hushed moments, Deb Polk announced she felt the Lord told her she was to sing a song to Christina. Deb is our wonderful friend and mighty woman of God who was ministering at the piano for the evening. Deb invited Christina to walk up the steps to the main platform and sit beside her on the piano bench. Deb then played and sang softly to Christina, placing her forehead upon Christina’s. So tender, so deep, so healing, so encouraging. The song was “Resting Place” based upon Isaiah 66:1-2. In that passage, the Lord asks who would build a resting place for His presence. He then says He will look for the one who is humble, contrite of heart, and trembles at His word. As Deb continued to sing, loving upon Christina, little 4 year old Eva walked up the steps to Christina and lifted her arms. Christina picked her up and Eva snuggled into Christina’s embrace. So tender, so deep, so healing, so encouraging, so Jesus. A chain reaction of His loving presence. When the song was over, I then laid my hand upon Christina’s head and prayed for her healing as well as declaring that the Lord will help many people become a resting place for His presence through Christina’s life. It was indeed a night to be humble, contrite, and trembling at the beauty and truth of God’s loving word. So is right now.
Do you want to be a resting place for the Lord’s presence this Christmas?

Be humble—give Him control, receive His help.
Be contrite—give Him your sin, receive His mercy. 
Tremble at His word—give Him undivided attention, receive His guidance.

No matter what is ahead, give these three gifts to the Lord and His presence will come rest upon you. My Christmas prayer for you is that you will do these 3 things one day at a time and be His resting place through these Holidays 2012. Your family and friends need you to be His resting place. So do you.

Merry Christmas beloved,
Dick Speight

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