Thursday, September 17, 2015

Immediate Intimacy with the Lord

We invite you to join us the rest of September and draw close to the Lord in the sixth chapter of Matthew. Read it slowly daily and ask the Lord how He wants you to immediately adjust your daily walk with Him accordingly.
·         He is calling us to “secret” prayer, fasting, and charity. “Secret” means face-to-face, self-sacrificial, intimate walking with Him--by His Spirit, not our flesh.
·         He is calling us to pray the Lord’s Prayer daily, very slowly. Take time to pray one phrase and pause. Let the Holy Spirit prompt you to prayer conversation with the Lord according to each phrase. Pray like He teaches and watch what happens.
·         He is calling us to treasure only Him in our hearts.
·         He is calling us to keep our eyes only on His Face.
·         He is calling us to serve only Him as our loving Master.
·         He is calling us away from corrosive worry into continual worship.
·         He is waiting to help us. He will do the heavy lifting, our small part is to surrender.
Come to Him by surrendering your burdens.
Take His Yoke by surrendering control.
Learn from Him by surrendering your undivided attention.
He knows what you need. Rest upon Him.

Kim and I love you all very much. We give thanks that at some point in the past we have had the privilege to encourage you in your personal walk with Jesus. We look forward to the next time.

Until then, come rest in His love and see what He has for you in Matthew chapter 6. He is anxious to relieve your anxiety so He can bring His non-anxious Presence into others’ lives through you.

Thank you for all the ways many of you support Come Rest with your prayers, time, talents, financial gifts, book and art purchases!  Keep sending your prayer requests. Kim and I pray for you as well as our Tuesday Night Come Rest intercessors!

Richard Speight 
FRIDAY, SEPT. 18TH    630-930pm
Encounter Christian Church in Cedar Rapids
2260 Edgewood Drive NW
Richard & Kim Speight teaching;
Pastor Caleb Plumb, Miriam Bandfield, and Roy Stover in music;
Come Rest prayer ministers; and open mic testimonies!
Come believing for miracles!
Bring friends from all walks of life!
Register at the door; freewill offering.
Glance Ahead
Sept. 20th       845am  Speights teaching Come Up class at River of Life Room A     
                      6pm  Men’s & Women’s Covenant Groups
7pm  I58 House Fellowship at Rehoboth.
Sept. 27th       1030 am Speights preaching at Community Evangelical Pentecostal Church
(Congolese refugees meeting in youth room of First Church of the Open Bible)
Oct. 2            Awakening of Love at River of Life       
Oct.3-4          Rehoboth Wellsprings 2 Day Gathering at CR Sanctuary in Cedar Rapids.
Oct. 15          Come Rest Personal Retreat for Oakland Church of the Nazarene Staff.
Oct. 16          Awakening of Love at Encounter Christian in CR.
Oct. 21          Come Rest Personal Retreat at Rehoboth
Nov. 5-7        Rehoboth Wellsprings 3 Day Gathering at River of Life in Cedar Rapids. 
Nov. 18         Come Rest Personal Retreat at Rehoboth
Nov. 20         Awakening of Love at Encounter Christian
Dec. 9           Come Rest Personal Retreat at Rehoboth

Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Come Rest Ministries
P.O. Box 11010
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52410