Monday, December 5, 2011


It was a sublime moment. My wife Kim gasped in hushed delight at the sight. We stood before a tranquil scene of water and foliage in the National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island in Florida. Suddenly alighting upon the waters, like planes landing at O'Hare, were Rosiate Spoonbills by the dozens! These rock stars of the southwest Florida wildlife scene are large bright pink and white birds with long spoon-like bills. They draw quite a large slightly awestruck crowd where the only sounds are the birds rapidly flapping wings upon the water and continuous camera shutters. It is one of the highlights of our Christmas season week of vacation away from our frigid home of Cedar Rapids. As we drove along the evening streets of Sanibel reflecting upon the wondrous encounter of Rosiate splendor, we viewed all the Christmas lights while listening to Christmas songs on the radio.  Yet, something seemed discordant for we Iowans as our windows were rolled down in 80 degree weather while we were eating ice cream taking photos of palm trees covered in red and green lights! No snow, no parkas, no defrosters. Then we drive upon a sign, "Episcopal Church of St. Michael and All the Angels."

Suddenly, everything comes into common focus.  On a dark Bethlehem night long ago there were no snowflakes, no electric lights, no radios, and no Rosiates we know of.  But what a flock of fearsome angels arrived in the midst of some more than slightly awestruck shepherds. Fearsome, awesome angels declaring the best news and giving directions to where the true Rock Star was just born. Funny thing about this fragile child laid afresh in a feeding trough. He would always be true to His Father and true to Himself all the days of his life. He would fear no man and die for every man. He would rise from the dead and is sitting right next to you now as you read this...loving if you were the only person in the world. 

Are you looking for just the right feelings, just the right circumstances as this Christmas approaches? How about looking away from such things? 

As we drove just a little farther down the main road of Sanibel Island we came upon Sanibel Community Church. It's campus was so cheerily lit in green and red we just had to get out and stroll for a while on such a gentle night. As we returned to our car and prepared to drive away, we looked up to see the large lit banner in the front church yard, "Wise Men Seek Him Still." 

If you seek Him you will find Him and eventually find yourself awestruck at how much He loves you and the whole world. And who knows, many hurting people in the future may flock to Him through you. Your Spirit filled life can become His human wildlife refuge. Because when you seek Him, the angels flock around you too.